
Spiffy’s Journey with Solvice – Empowering Scheduling and Route Optimization

Spiffy, the largest mobile services provider in the United States with over a decade of operational expertise, is transforming automotive service through its advanced Digital Servicing solutions. With its growing software capabilities, Spiffy now offers tailored platforms that streamline and optimize operations for dealerships and repair shops. This evolution positions Spiffy at the forefront of mobile service technology, empowering partners to embrace a digital-first approach.

Spiffy, founded in 2014, has grown from a mobile car care service provider into a technology-driven company focused on Digital Servicing solutions. Headquartered in North Carolina, Spiffy operates in over 50 cities with a fleet of more than 400 vans and a team of over 500 certified technicians. Spiffy provides an extensive range of mobile services, including oil changes, tire replacement, car washes, detailing, and even light repairs, performing up to 3,000 services a day.
Spiffy’s transformation is powered by its proprietary technology, including the VanBrain™ system and P3™ electric power packs, which enable efficient, eco-friendly mobile operations. Their in-house technology team developed a digital platform, Conductor, which integrates scheduling, dispatch, tracking, and route optimization into a seamless, cloud-native solution. Spiffy’s mobility software suite also includes a dealer-branded app, technician app, and fleet management portal, providing end-to-end operational support.
Through this innovation, Spiffy has optimized its internal operations and begun positioning itself as a software company, offering solutions to other service providers looking to enhance their mobile operations.

The Challenge

Before integrating Solvice's route scheduling API, Spiffy faced significant challenges in managing their scheduling and route optimization. Ryan Eade, Chief Technology Officer of Spiffy, recalls how scheduling relied heavily on manual processes: “We had four vans and divided the city into four quadrants—an understandable human approach, but inefficient. As we expanded, we started using zip code-based assignments, which still involved much manual work. The system simply didn’t scale.”

These inefficiencies directly impacted Spiffy’s operations, creating bottlenecks that affected customer satisfaction and reduced overall efficiency. The team’s scheduling required constant human oversight, with schedulers spending time juggling appointments and recalculating routes to accommodate increasing demands. This lack of automation resulted in longer driving times, missed opportunities for better scheduling, and a larger workload for the scheduling team.

Before Solvice, Spiffy had explored various tools to tackle this issue, but none could meet the complex needs typical for field service companies. Most traditional logistics solutions didn’t cater to their unique service requirements, which included constraints like ensuring technicians specialized in specific services handled the right appointments.

The Approach

With inefficiencies becoming more pronounced, Spiffy turned to Solvice. Ryan Eade led the research for a solution that could address their scheduling and route optimization needs. After extensive research and exploring options in the market, Spiffy selected Solvice for its modern approach and API capabilities. "Many platforms we tried were old-school, built for shipping industries, and didn’t match the flexibility we needed for service scheduling. Solvice offered what we were looking for: the ability to handle specific constraints and scale to our needs."

The integration process was smooth and effective. Spiffy’s team used their historical data to test Solvice’s route optimizer, feeding it 10 years' worth of routes and constraints. “We ran various tests to measure improvements, and it was clear from the start that we were seeing tangible efficiency gains,” said Ryan.

Spiffy found Solvice’s API easy to integrate into their existing platform. One of Spiffy’s lead engineers led the project and worked closely with Solvice’s support team. The initial integration enabled Spiffy to automate back-end processes while scheduling teams tested results and tweaked the system for maximum efficiency.

The Solution

After implementing Solvice’s route optimization API, Spiffy noticed significant improvements in their scheduling and route optimization processes. Drive times were reduced by an average of 20%, with larger cities seeing even greater reductions. "In cities with more vans, we saw reductions of up to 25% in drive time," Ryan shared. "Even when we allowed only a 15-minute window of variability in the schedule, we still got impressive results."

Beyond just optimizing routes, Solvice's APIs enabled Spiffy to make better use of their existing resources. One unexpected benefit was the ability to "compact" the schedule during the day, which opened up more appointment slots. This allowed Spiffy to increase its service capacity without needing additional vans or technicians, effectively driving up revenue while keeping costs down.

The cognitive load on the scheduling team also dropped significantly. “We used to have a scheduling team of 12 people, but thanks to Solvice, we’ve reduced it to just three or four people while handling the same, if not more, scheduling demands. Our schedulers now focus on handling exceptions rather than spending their days routing vans,” Ryan said.

The Future with Solvice

Looking ahead, Spiffy sees even more potential for leveraging Solvice’s APIs. As they continue to grow, they plan to enhance their real-time availability features and explore new capabilities that Solvice can offer. “We’re excited about the future. Solvice has helped us evolve our business, and we see its role growing as we expand our Digital Servicing offerings,” Ryan added.

Advice for Others

For other companies grappling with similar scheduling and route optimization challenges, Ryan offers this advice: "Flexibility is key. You need a system that can adapt to your unique business model rather than forcing you to conform to its constraints. Solvice offered us that flexibility, and it’s made a big difference in our ability to scale efficiently."

Ryan's final thoughts? “Solvice has been a game changer for us. It’s not just about reducing drive times—it’s about making our entire operation more efficient, enabling us to provide better service and grow without adding unnecessary complexity.”


With the support of Solvice’s powerful APIs, Spiffy has transitioned from a manual, service-driven business to a data-powered software company. The efficiency gains from route optimization, reduced cognitive load on the team, and increased capacity have positioned Spiffy to continue innovating in the mobile service industry.